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On The State Of Independent Development Of Higher Vocational Students In Yunnan Province

Posted on:2011-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360308481159Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the UNESCO published "Learning to live: the world of education today and tomorrow" in the "forward to the learning society - the future of education in schools must educate themselves the target becomes the subject of education must be education of his own people, other people's education must be the person's own education "to" Education: The Treasure Within "has proposed four pillars of education:" learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to live "to the modern Vocational education services in the "human development" and to foster "sustainable development of vocational people" career highlights the concept of vocational college students invariably reflects the importance of self-development. Vocational college students studying for self-development in the 21st century and the future course of development increasingly demonstrate its important value and significance.This study used quantitative research and qualitative research method of combining, through the Yunnan Forestry Vocational Technology College, Yunnan Medical College, Yunnan Science and Technology Information Technology College, Yunnan Vocational College of Foreign Trade, Yunnan Vocational College of the North American five Vocational School Student questionnaire survey, interviews, and on the Yunnan Agricultural Vocational and Technical College 15 administrators, teachers, students follow a three-day observation and in-depth interviews to explore the Vocational College Students self-development status quo. Studies have shown that: the current reliance on College Students presented with confusion, self-awareness and a clear, independent and self-development, self development and improvement of the dynamic development process; Vocational and Technical College has a strong sense of self-development, but self- a serious lack of capacity development, the general effect of self-development; ability College Students practice guidance need to strengthen the operational level; a positive attitude and a healthy personality, social environment, integrated environment is the independent development of higher vocational college students the most important factors.Hope to grasp in this study was on the Vocational College Students independent development of some fragments of truth and after the first-hand experience as a researcher for the provision of an interpretative understanding. Hoping to be able through this to some extent for the higher vocational colleges training students for self-development capacity and its own further development provide advice and basis across.
Keywords/Search Tags:vocational college students, self-development
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