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Studied On The Automatic Dynamic Balancing Emendation System Based On CAN Bus

Posted on:2006-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2168360155963353Subject:Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this dissertation, the idea that the CAN bus is applied to the automatic dynamic balancing system is presented, in order that the multi-procedure automatic dynamic balancing system is flexibly composed by function modules. The content of this dissertation includs:The first chapter, after given the important role of the research of dynamic balancing emendation, based on the review of current status and future development trend of dynamic balancing emendation technology and application of CAN bus on the mechectronic systerm, the research content of this dissertation is advanced. Meanwhile, each chapter of this dissertation is arranged.The second chapter, the scheme of the multi-procedure automatic dynamic balancing system based on CAN bus is advanced, after the characteristic and technical specification of CAN bus and the basic theory of dynamic balancing emendation are discussed.The third chapter, every function module composing of multi-procedure automatic dynamic balancing system is studied. The emphasis components of function module for measurement are designed such as force measurement bearing based on rigid bearing, the driving connection and control using SVPWM mode of servo system, hardware and software for measurement. At last, the communication protocol based on CAN bus is designed that is the key for whole system.The forth chapter, the abstraction of the unbalancing signal in the environment of strong background noise with high precision is studied. After discussing the signal analysis based on Wavelet Transfer, an adaptive filtering method based on Harmonic wavelet is advanced for high precisely abstracting the amplitude and phase, which improved the precision of amplitude and phase indicted by comparison with general way. At last, according to the national industry standard, two items are measured on the measurement system in this dissertation, and the result indicates that the measurement system meet the requirement of high precision.The fifth chapter studies the control and harmonization strategy of multi-procedure automatic dynamic balancing system, and designs the data transfer module among nods for six-procedure automatic dynamic balancing system. Flexible integration of multi-procedure system is achieved through the software design.Last chapter gives conclusion and expectation of the dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic balancing, CAN bus, Harmonic wavelet, Multi-procedure, Automatic emendation
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