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A Study On The Teaching Mode Of Film And TV In Teaching Chinese As A Foreign Language

Posted on:2016-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470468732Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the great increase of Chinese websites and web pages, and the enhance of international influence of the Confucius Institutes, the worldwide “Chinese fever” continues to heat up. A number of countries emphasis on Chinese learning and increases the demand for the Chinese language. As a result, the Chinese language teaching is especially important. The purpose of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is to communicate with others in Chinese,but the completion of the communications requires the basic skills of listening,speaking, reading and writing. Information and images in the media are so developed in the 21 st century, so teaching Chinese as a foreign language should also keep up with the times and face a growing number of Chinese learners in a more innovative and unique teaching model.Video resources have its advantages, such as intuitive and vivid. “sound and color, static and dynamic”that can really mobilize a variety of senses and stimulate student’s enthusiasm for learning. The research and explore of teaching resources are closely related to language teaching. Video resources is an important resource for language teaching, especially has a lot of advantages in Chinese Audio-visual Teaching Lessons. The use of video resources for teaching has feasibility of theoretical and applicability of practical, it can simplify complex issues, so as to relieve the anxiety in learning language effectively. Meanwhile, the video directly create a locale environment which is close to life, so that students are exposed to a lot of authentic living language and social communication languages, and develop the language sense to improve the level of Chinese. In addition, it is conducive to the development of student’s creative thinking. The reason why the the classroom of Teaching Chinese as a foreign language combines with video resource is that the video resource can provide a real language application environment, and learners can imitate the speed and tone, learn the appropriate background and cultural knowledge. Compared with the traditional teaching model, it shows a greater unique and attractive. Therefore, video resources plays an important role in Teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It is necessary to develop and utilize these resources.As for the current Teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the practice of video teaching mode mainly appear in the form of “the second class”. Students participate in the video in a form of enjoyment. It did not really work out the advantages and features of video resources. Meanwhile the teaching materials are not clear, and it lacks of extensive teaching cases.This teaching model system has not yet formed a complete scientific system. Therefor it also needs to continue the in-depth study and careful discussion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching Chinese as a foreign language, video resources, teaching design, video teaching mode
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