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Humanistic Connotation Of Lu Xun 's Essays

Posted on:2016-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470469191Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Literature is the human science, literary studies in a sense is human study, research literature reflected the state of human existence, spiritual crisis, the life course, the value of life, liberty personality ideal aspirations, life choices and so on. Lu Xun as a great humanist, with a cavity benevolent love to Human Thought for spiritual guidance by means of pen essays to care survival status of each individual life deeply. Essay In the old society as his spiritual weapon to fight, witnessed the road of "man" in the whole life of Lu Xun, condense of his mind and spirit, Contain profound Human Thought of Lu Xun.People learn in this paper discussed the connotation of Lu Xun essays, cut from four major aspects:the "survival of the state" "spiritual crisis" calling the new" and "Attitudes", the four chapters subdivided into twelve small aspects to analyze:"the interpersonal divide life "to explore destroy hell" Master and Slave "consciousness" "cowardly humanity" "discriminating" "comrades find" "women’s liberation" "child development" "youth and hope" "margin and the real" "choose the hold". On the basis of detailed text reading, The use of human science, sociology, psychology and other methods to discuss the comprehensive and systematic" human science connotation of Lu Xun’s essays" to explore the deep attention existence and development of Lu Xun, and tap its current meaning."Survival of the state" articles, mainly from the "interpersonal divide" "life to explore" "destroys hell" and other three aspects are discussed. Essay In the interpersonal situation is reflected in the spirit of the diaphragm:"Lord of slavery divided "the hierarchy and the "content with slavery" the idea of the constraints under interpersonal septum formation; traditional Chinese culture, a better understanding of prejudice against women caused by men and women pioneers unfinished enlightenment and public apathy arising membrane; membrane between. Lu Xun’s essays in digging out these different types of interpersonal roots of the diaphragm under, but also demonstrated his interpersonal divide to eliminate the efforts made and empathy between people call each other.Lu Xun’s essays explore the lives of human consciousness is reflected in:Lu Xun to value their own lives as "intermediate", realize comfortable life and self. With a treasure while attitudes toward life, disregard for human life and everything to do pull brutality protest, denouncing any harm to the life of youth accused of inhumane life for the weak "exhibition viewing" and "public opinion forced to kill". Essay In the survival status of the care of vulnerable groups, emphasizing the sense of equality of life.Lu Xun’s essays focus on the survival of the status quo is reflected in:Lu Xun in China reveal material scarcity hell "alleys" survival of the state; condemn rulers "obscurantism" of the people’s spiritual harm; criticizing the reactionary rulers and imperialism abuse, destroy the evil people’s lives. Lu Xun’s lifetime effort to join together, trying to destroy this hellish "iron house" awaken the people to care for the survival and the survival of the state of the underlying situation of oppression of the weak social life."Spiritual crisis" mainly from the "master slave consciousness" "cowardly human nature" "discriminating" three aspects to be discussed. Essay In the spiritual master and slave consciousness is reflected in the analysis:digging out imprisoned Chinese people to become "real people" servility root cause, not the main criticism of the Chinese people, it is a willing slave master and slave consciousness; to reveal the nature of the difference between slaves and slave; denounced the rulers of the people in the implementation of enslavement education and obscurantism.Essay In the spirit of criticism for the cowardly humanity reflected in:Lu Xun clearly understands Chinese people’s spiritual ills have penetrated the bone marrow, need to be admitted. He saw the Chinese people’s blood flowing dastardly human "essence":rare and moderation; selfish and sinister devilish stratagem borrows someone else’s cruelty and sacrifice to comfort his own cowardice. Lu hate these dastardly humanity permanently poison the soul of the Chinese people.Lu Xun’s essays on "discriminating" spiritual aspirations reflected in:Lu Xun anatomical manifestation of hypocrisy that is "save face" and "no special operation" to expose "face the world" hypocrisy; no special operations and hypocritical criticism of a show. His essays pen, perspective hypocrisy soul. Advocate real life, exploring the ideal of humanity, and thus achieve the "man" who desired to learn."Calling the new man" chapter, mainly from the "comrades find" "women’s liberation", "Children grow up" and other three aspects are discussed. Lu Xun’s essay on the life of his comrades reflected in:Lu Xun wrote the different stages of his life were expectations have spirit soldier "Mara" character, to find with the "destruction" spiritual "force" and called for "create" large new soldiers fought together with their life processes. From his initial "escape off-site" to seek a different kind of people, until the last decade of his life in Shanghai to expand joint efforts made by the front can be seen in the life of Lu Xun join together, all for the lonely Soldiers cheer alongside its call for like-minded.Lu Xun’s essay on the spiritual liberation of women is reflected in the call:Lu Xun harshly criticized feudal ethics in women’s one-sided imposition of ethics "Chastity View"; women have been deeply concerned about the awakening, as they indicate the importance of economic rights; profoundly pointed out the difficulties of women liberation and lack of thoroughness, eagerly wake up women’s self-awareness and encourage women to gain equal social status and independent personality and society "deep toughness struggle."Essay In the spirit of caring for a child’s development is reflected in:Lu Xun from "diary of a madman" issue "save the children" cry to his deathbed healing and wrote " put this on record " once again called "Save the children." Lu saw the harm he lived in the era of children suffering from the remnants of feudal ideology education, as well as man-eating society, as a child suffered bullying the weak society. He calls for the new children’s education deeply, can expect to cultivate "new trend in swim" in the new children. And pointed out the purport of modern children’s education is to children’s physical and mental growth of a person. He put in touch with child development education "man" and the overall goal of human emancipation up lifelong emphasis on education of children, care for the healthy growth of children."Attitudes" articles, mainly from the "youth and hope" "margin with the real" "choose and hold" three aspects to be discussed. Lu Xun about youth and hope embodied in the spirit of the guidelines:he will hope for the future lies in the young people who put the lives of young people show love and spiritual care in his essay, the Lu Xun standing humanitarian youth-friendly stance on life, for young people to provide "tough" weapon of fighting spirit; to "man" who learn ideal for spiritual guidance, to encourage young people to "persistent now" face reality, and actively look boldly take life; With a passion for young people eager to guide young people practice specific reading. Young people in order to cultivate individuality, freedom of personality.Lu Xun’s essays on margin with the true spirit realm is reflected in:Lu Xun as a great spirit soldier, although the essay as a dagger with the enemy to fight, but his essay is not all show blood and history of brutal struggle, but also to convey his a calm, calm, pass off attitude towards life and the spiritual realm. He pointed out that in life you want to maintain the margin of the heart; put on the margin to adhere to the spirit of literature; stressing that only has a margin outlook to gain real life.Lu Xun’s essays on choice and stick to the spirit of interpretation reflected in:Lu Xun literary criticism hack with the help of some sinister despicable; to expose some of the literati hermit other titles as "survival" signs of the truth; daring appeal for social criticism. " Really knowledge class "appearance" Really knowledge class" should always ugly and evil society maintain alertness and courage to carry out profound criticism. Lu Xun’s life is true to the spirit of this choice, practice pursued his life, "man" who desired to learn.Lu Xun essay as a form of existence of life, from a human point of view to dig out "survival of the state" "spiritual crisis" connotation of the four-part "call new" and "Attitudes" and explore Lu Xun as a great humanist to a cherished life attitude, face the reality of life, the spirit of the people excluded chronic illness, explain the existence of real meaning of life, and "man" who desired to learn. Lu Xun essays to Human Thought as a guide, people concerned about the reality of the world, people learn to enjoy the cultural atmosphere under the view of Lu Xun’s essays.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Xun, Essays, Connotation of human science
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