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A Study On The Legal Problems Of Risk Prevention And Control Capability Of Credit Rating In The Perspective Of Asset Securitization

Posted on:2015-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330422493586Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
General theory is that the credit ratings of financial markets as a janitor, bygranting credit rating rating corresponding object, and then as a financial investmentin security products provide the look, the results of rating in a large extent on theimpact of the investment choices of investors. Asset securitization itself has a varietyof data, the complexity of the transaction structure and other characteristics, whichhave coincided with the credit rating of the financial market gatekeepers attributes fit,making it an ideal barrier asset securitization risk prevention and control. However,the sub-prime crisis in the conduction asset securitization risks, in large part areflection of the arrival of the credit crisis, the European rating agency ratings ofsecurities by significantly lower credit rating at the time of the financial crisis,triggered and spread panic in the market, For a time, become the target credit rating.In asset securitization just started in China, we emphasize the credit rating of assetsecuritization risk prevention and control at the same time, the credit rating itselfshould be concerned about the problems exposed in order to forestall.This article first chapter in the asset securitization perspective on the credit ratingof the basic theory of the interpretation, which includes the concept of credit ratings,characteristics, origin, meaning combing; contains the essence of asset securitization,subject, procedures and description of risks; finally discusses the general sense thecredit rating of asset securitization risk prevention.The second chapter aims to combine the practice of asset securitization creditrating, examining the credit rating of asset securitization risk prevention and controlcapabilities, and to China’s actual situation, exposing some of the existing problems.The third chapter of the U.S. subprime crisis through an asset securitizationcredit rating review, realized in the form of a credit rating parse failure and cause ofthe outbreak, and then began to reflect on the legal property credit rating and ratingagencies, rating agencies and the internal mechanisms of self-regulation externalregulatory reform trends.The fourth chapter in the logical basis of the first three chapters build on ourexisting asset securitization on the credit rating of the legal norms were summarizedfor the current problems, combined with the practical experience and the latestregulatory developments abroad, in line with our own proposed legal characteristics legislative proposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:credit rating, asset securitization, risk control
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