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Research On The Rural Party Construction Work In Rural Areas Under The Construction Of New Countryside

Posted on:2015-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330422975639Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Is the basis of the party’s grassroots organizations all working party,charged with direct contact with the masses, the party’s line, principles andpolicies of the task to the grassroots. Building a new socialist countryside, Iwas party to achieve complete strategic goal of building a moderatelyprosperous society in major strategic decisions. New rural construction,including construction of economic, political, cultural, social, ecological andother aspects, the aim is to achieve a new free and comprehensive developmentof rural people, ambitious goals, the task is arduous. New Year’s goals andtasks of rural development must play a fighting force vanguard and exemplaryrole of grassroots organizations and party members, and make greater efforts tobuild the party ’s grass-roots party organizations. However, the construction ofrural grassroots party organizations there are many problems, there areprofound reasons behind these problems, the problems and causes of seriouslyrestricting the cohesion and effectiveness of rural grassroots party organizationsplay, thus affecting the construction of new socialist countryside pace. From thecurrent situation of rural grassroots party organizations currently conductresearch, analyzes the rural grassroots party organizations there is a problem,analyze the causes of these problems, and proposed to strengthen theconstruction of rural grassroots party suggestions, which for the strengtheningof rural party grassroots organizations, promote the building of a new socialistcountryside, has important theoretical and practical significance.This paper is divided into four parts: Introduction Overview of SelectParty building under the new rural construction background as a research topic,purpose, and the current research situation, research methods and articles ofinnovation, and research priorities and difficulties; first part discusses the ruralparty content, objectives, rationale and significance; second part presents theimpact of new rural construction work related to the problems of party building;cause of problems discussed in the third part of the rural work of party building analysis; fourth part of the problem for the new rural party propose appropriatecountermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:new rural construction, party building work, grassrootsorganizations
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