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A Study On The Role Of Villagers 'Committee In Villagers' Autonomy

Posted on:2015-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330431499807Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Villagers’ autonomy is one of rural grassroots democracy system, but also the basic form and important channel of grassroots democracy in China. The implementation of the villagers’ autonomy plays an important role in the following three aspects:the cultivation of farmers’ democracy consciousness, the raising of farmers’ democratic capacity, the acceleration for the development of the rural grass-roots democracy. But there is also a big gap between the actual operation and the ideal state of villagers’ autonomy, which is mainly reflected in the numerous appearances of contradictions and problems. Through investigation and analysis, this paper argues that the main reason for these problems is the role deviation of villagers’ committees:the deviation between real character and the ideal character in the process of villagers’ autonomy. The villagers committees fail to give full play to their villagers’ autonomy functional roles, which influences and restricts the operation orderly and further development of villager autonomy. Villagers’ committees as the work organization of villager autonomy, its role play and activities play a direct influence on the effect of villagers’ autonomy. So, if want to make the implementation of the villagers autonomy system obtain good effect, must define the role of villagers’ committee in the villagers’ autonomy clearly, in order to better play its role, promote the better development of villagers’ autonomy.The methods of literature analysis, comprehensive analysis and historical study are all used in this paper to analyze and study the role of villagers’ committee in the villagers’ autonomy, specifically including the following five parts:The introduction part discusses the background and reviews of the paper, and analyzed the theoretical significance and practical significance and research method in this paper.The second part introduces basic concepts of villagers’ autonomy and the villagers’ committee which required, at the same time pointes out the theoretical basis:the public choice theory, governance theory and new public service theory.The third part introduces that the villagers committee ought to be the role of the villagers’ autonomy, and then points out that the role of villagers’ committees in the legal text designed and the practical role plays of villagers committee in the different stages of villagers’ autonomy. This part researches the problem of the villagers committee’s reality role on the basis of the above analysis.The fourth part analyzes the root of the deviation between reality role and ideal role of villagers committee from the perspective of legal texts and the reality role of the villagers committee. The main reasons for deviation is that the legal role of the villagers committee is not clear, the township government and the village party branch improper role of villagers’ committees and villagers’ committee members know the fuzzy role to the village committee and villagers’ overall quality is not high.The fifth part puts forward suggestions to the villagers committee implements the role conversion as the following4suggestions:perfect the related legal system, return to the right position in terms of the subject, strengthen the construction of the villagers committee team and improve the villagers’ overall quality of the villagers.
Keywords/Search Tags:The villagers committee, Roles, Villagers’ autonomy
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