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Study On Control System Of Intelligent Electro-hydraulic Actuator

Posted on:2012-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330335966695Subject:Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, the electro-hydraulic actuator is widely used in metallurgy, power, petrochemical, and other industrial control systems, controlling pressure, flow rate, temperature parameters, such as regulation. The existing related products control means backward, stability also poorer, severely restricts the industrial control system of production efficiency and automation level. With the rapid development of microprocessor technology and intelligent control theory, and the progress of modern industrial automation requirements, designing a new generation intelligent electro-hydraulic actuator to replace the existing product has became many technical workers'goal.This paper studies the intelligent electro-hydraulic actuator which is a kind of electro-hydraulic position servo system. This paper uses AT89C51 for the electro-hydraulic position servo control system. Designing an intelligent controller based on single chip, which has advantages of high control accuracy, high speed, good stability, etc. Meanwhile, the system hardware also carries on the reasonable configuration.According to the fluid mechanics and classical control theory, I set up servo valve, servo amplifier and displacement sensor's mathematical model. This paper uses PID control strategies,and uses trail-and-error strategies to set PID control parameters. Simulation experiments show that the PID control parameter setting existence is difficult, and its adaptability is not perfect.Because electro-hydraulic position servo control system is the nonlinear and time-varying system, it is difficult to establish accurate mathematical model. Based on fuzzy control theory, combined with PID control algorithm, I put forward the adaptive fuzzy PID control strategy to realize control requirements.This paper uses MATLAB software to realize system simulation.
Keywords/Search Tags:intelligent electro-hydraulic actuator, fuzzy parameter adaptive PID control, microcontroller, MATLAB
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