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The Research Of Embedded Home Gateway Based On IPv6

Posted on:2007-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360182482307Subject:Detection Technology and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The embedded Internet technology promote the coming of PC-after era, the embedded Internet technology enable equipments access the Internet through embedded moudule rather than PC systems . Promoted by embedded Internet technology, network appliance and information appliance developed quickly, which makes the refrigerator, air-condition, television and other appliances network, construct the intelligent home in people's ideal. The IPv6 appearance makes this ideal come to reality more quickly. IPv6 use 128bit binary to express the IP address, which construct a very large address space and can assign an IP address for any device on the earth. This large address space solves the bottleneck on constructing intelligent home caused by the short of IPv4 address.Intelligent home system is a diverse network architecture adapt to modern home life, it is a complex network composed by computers, information appliance, intelligent instrument, safe and fire protection device. Home gateway takes embedded operating system and the independent developed Internal network protocol as the technical background, enable appliances and devides in home access Internet and realizes appliances information, network and automatization.In this system home gateway is the center controller of home nerwort and the information center and the interface between interior and exterior networt. It not only complete home accessing Internet, receiving and sending mail, but also provide an uniform channel for information interchange and distance monitor. It is the core of the intelligent home.This paper constructs an embedded home gateway using the 32bit embedded MCU, S3C4510, and uClinux, and proposes a solution of wireless connection of information appliance and distance monitor. This paper introduces the advantage of uClinux and the boot and run, introduce the porting and compiling on S3C4510, describes the programming of bootloader, analyses the IPv6 potocol and introduces some methods of accessing to IPv6 network. This paper emphasizes on the research of distance monitor system of information appliances, propose a solution applying browser+webserver+CGI technology. In the end this paper designs a communication protocol used in home network and the realization of communication with Bluetooth.
Keywords/Search Tags:embedded system, home gateway, distance monitoring, webserver, uClinux
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