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Design And Implement Of Remote Home Monitoring And Controlling System Based On Embedded System

Posted on:2007-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K G HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360185474769Subject:Instrument Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this dissertation, a remote home monitoring and controlling system based on embedded system is design and development. With the improvement of living standard, comfortable living environment is becoming more important. As a part of smart home, monitoring and controlling system is becoming more and more important in modern residential construction at Home and Abroad. The market of smart home is disordered and no uniform standard by research. With the requirement of residential development, the home monitoring and controlling system, which is characteristic, economical and practical, will be applied widely.Learned the domestic and international development of smart home, by the way of embedded system development, we design and develop remote home monintoring and controlling system with embedded, multi-controlled and intelligent. In the paper, we try to improve the intelligence of the system by using the face detection.The textual main research work primarily as following:1. Learned the domestic and international development of smart home, with the domestic smart home character and requirement of residential construction, designed the remote home monitoring and controlling system based on embedded system. The system is designed to use EMD2440 board with ARM9 microprocess and embedded Linux system, which made it low energy consumption, convenient operation, low cost and intelligence.2. Established embedded system development environment. It consists of embedded Linux reduction and transplant; rewrite the drivers of the devices, Qt/E library and qtopia table system cross compile. For limited Flash space and Nand Flash character, we design to use both read-only and read-write file systems.3. For monitoring function, usb camera driver and video capture are been developedt and transplant, as well as Short Message Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) by General Packet Radio Service (GPRS).4. For controlling function, both infared telecontrol signals self-learn function and remote control of household electric appliances are implement. It is successed to transplant Web server in embedded device, design Website and CGI program for system configuration management.5. Transplanted automatic face detection system from windows to Linux platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:embedded system, smart home, embedded Linux, cross compile, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
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