Power line carrier communication is the inherent special means of electricity systemcommunication and other means of communication can not replace it. It isparticularly importantto test the performance parameters of the HF blocking wave devices and filters periodicly. Thisdevice can apply to test the parameters of the HF blocking wave and filters in the scene of powerlinecarrierwavecommunication.The research and design of the blocking wave and filters testing device based on ARMmicroprocessors . This device has the fuction of data display and saveing,testing mode choiceautomatically. Inthefirstofthispaper,researchingandanalyzingprinciplesofequipmenttesting,atest model is builded. Then, the hardware design of the system conducted a detailed briefing.These include :microprocessor choice, high-performance arbitrary waveform generatorconstruction, filters design and commutation circuits choice,LCD display and keyboard design,principle of automatic emendation, USB interfaces presentation , etc. Using modular softwaredesign methods. Providing a modular system design flow and the driving part of the software.Finally, under the system test environment make against electromagnetic compatibility andinterferencedesign.The article provides a summing-up and some proposes to further study in final of the paper. |