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Research And Development Of The Remote Monitoring System For Telecom Power Supply

Posted on:2007-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G A LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360212466586Subject:Mechanical and electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of telecommunication system, the Telecom Power Supply's capacity has also grown and its structure has become more complex. The Telecom Power Supply's reliability is very important to keep the telecommunication system operating efficiently and effectively. Besides improving the Telecom Power Supply itself, it is also very important to monitor it and make necessary adjustments as and when required.The Remote Monitoring System in this paper has been designed keeping in view the actual requirements of the day. This system monitors the Telecom Power Supply's real-time state, and ensures the stability of the Telecom Power Supply. This system follows the idea of Soft Engineering, and has been developed on the platform of .NET by using database technique.The Remote Monitoring System is based on the hardware of the aptitude equipment, which realizes communication between the Monitoring Center and the Work Stations using TCP/IP protocol and aptitude equipment protocol. Also, it measures, monitors and controls the Telecommunication Power Supply through information gathering and maintaining a database for its better management.The system includes:(1) Monitoring the cycle, the cycle of each station in the system and monitoring the run parameter and alarm information of each station, and alarming the users by sound and vision when trouble;(2) The remote monitoring and management, monitoring of a single station and obtaining the information about the parameter of the station;(3) Queries about data, output in the form of reports for measurement data;(4) The curve chart, analysis of the analog data obtained from stations and output of the salient curve chart;(5) The foundation setting, management of users' power, station parameter and the parameter of monitoring center.The Remote Monitoring System provides a set of remote monitoring soft wares, which is powerful in function, user-friendly. It is convenient in operation for the Telecom Power Supply's manager by realizing the anticipated production.The practice of Shenzhen Shiji Xintaida Electronics Co., Ltd. proves that the Remote Monitoring System for Telecom Power Supply is valuable in today's...
Keywords/Search Tags:TCP/IP, communication protocol, remote monitoring, Telecom Power Supply
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