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Research Of Windows Applied In Communication Power Supply Monitoring System

Posted on:2009-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242991974Subject:Detection Technology and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the high-speed development of the modern telecom industry, unattended or less duty correspondence engine room, using computer to manage communication power supply have become the inevitable direction. This paper applies the embedded operating system in communication power supply monitoring system, compared to the past foreground/background soft architecture, multi-task systems can provide the standardization,real-time and software easy to maintain and so on characteristics.This paper fist give a brief introduction of the communication power supply monitoring system development at home and abroad and its structure, concept of embedded system, embedded processors and embedded operating system, illustrate hardware development of communication power supply monitoring system based on Windows, SAMSUNG ARM9 chip-S3C2410 is the core processor of the hardware platform, give a brief introduction of the main structure of related hardware. This paper includes the two key points: first is the studying on Windows embedded operation system. OS kernel customization and transplantation are achieved in this paper, analyze and research development of BootLoader by the hardware and software platform. The other key point is developping application program with Embedded Visual C++. Reference to the fucntion of the monitoring system designed in this paper, serial communication, database, muti-thread on Windows platform are achieved with EVC, TCP communication is researched. First of all, realize all system function using muti-thread technology, then specify thread priority. Next develop and realize serial communication and operator information management database. Finally, we conclude the monitoring system a, point out the deficiencies, and a prospect of embedded technology application in communication power supply monitoring system is also made.
Keywords/Search Tags:Windows, Embedded Operating System, Embedded Visual C++, Communication Power Supply Monitoring System
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