For the system of super exact measure,the stabilization of environment has been one of the factors who effect the measure resuilt. conventional module that connecting the distributed measuring instruments by CAN,,RS-232 or RS-485 bus can not meet the demands of environment for super exact measure. At present networks,especially the internet spreads widely. United the instruments with networks to share information and reduce cost have became an important trend in measuring systems and instrument techniques.This thesis designs an embedded controller which can realize the remote data collecting and tranmitting. And the main research works are given as follows:Fristly, several embedded control module for data collecting and tranmitting are analyzed in this thesis. According to the analysis conclusion,a universal embedded controller based on ARM core is designed. This module employs the microprocessor S3C4510B which has an ARM7core as the key device of network control module. And uses an embedded operation system uCLinux as software developing platform in order to meet the demands of small memory space,low power consumption and high reliability of measuring devices in ultra-precision measuring field;Secondly,this thesis designed hardware circuits of the embedded control module for data collecting and tranmitting S3C4510B based. The circuits compose 2M FLASH, 16M SDRAM, Ethernet physical interface, Serial communication circuit and AD7745 application circuit;Again,built the uClinux develop environment for software develop; Compiled a new boot loader programming based on analying the principle of boot loader in order to solve the problem that the FLASH memory has long access time;Finally,by analyzing the working principle of device driver in embedded operation systems,this thesis designs the device driver of the terminal based on ARM+uCLinux module;Using the function of SOCKET,,client and server programs are designed according to C/S mode. This thesis offers an effective way to eliminate the measurement environment disturbance added by locale operator. At the same time, this system has comprehensive application perspective in network measurement and control field because of its low cost,good performance and easy operation. |