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Study On A 120MHz Low Phase Nosie Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator

Posted on:2010-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z K WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360275997757Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of modern communication,radar and measurement technology, quality of low phase noise high stability frequency sinal source becomes one of key parts which affect system performance.In addition, as frequency synthesis technic has been strict to single crystal oscillator reference source,making low phase noise crytal oscillator has wide prospect.Firstly,this paper describes the development and status quo of crystal resonators, and its advantages as frequency control component. Then, the basic principle of feedback XO is presented.Also, the theory and model of phase noise is introduced, following by the conception and usual expression ways of phase noise and frequency stability. Further,the crystal oscillator design using the simulation technology is introduced.Secondly,base on the theory analsys we draw some method to improve the phase noise of the crystal oscillator. Throughout the design procedure, high frequency simulation tools, such as Advanced Design System (ADS) 2004A of Agilent Corporation is used for debugging and optimization. Base on the simulation result,we get a set of appropriate parameter, assemble and debug in the actual circuit board. Finally, PN8000 phase noise test system of Aeroflex Corporation is used to measure the sample. Then, experiment results are presented and analyzed.
Keywords/Search Tags:crystal oscillator, phase noise, phase noise Model, crystal Q-Loaded
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