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Design Of Home Monitor Based On Embedded System

Posted on:2010-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360275999510Subject:Measuring and Testing Technology and Instruments
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In view of the current people's attention to Home Health Care (HHC) and the shortcoming of traditional monitors, we studied and designed a new type of home monitor based on the embedded system in this paper.This system collects physiological signal through the physiological signal collection board with the corresponding physiological signal conditioning module, and the physiological signal collection board based on ATmega8 MCU. Physiological signal collected in this system include ECG, heart sounds, pulse, temperature and other physical information in human body. The physiological signal collection board implements A/D conversion and transfers to host through RS232. The host adopts Samsung S3C2410 MPU as the core processor, which based on the ARM920T. And the collection of data can be analyzed, displayed, and network transmited in the host. Embedded Linux is used as host operating system. Qt/Embedded interface development tools are used to design system interface. Multi-threaded, serial, network socket and some other technologies are adopted to achieve the mainframe software.The system runs stability when we experimented, and achieved the desired results. Because the embedded system was used in this system, the system has some characteristics such as: small volume, low cost, high stability and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:S3C2410, Qi/Embedded, embedded Linux, embedded system, monitor
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