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Investigation And Analyses On China's Marine-related Employment

Posted on:2006-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2179360182976244Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the social advancement and economic development in our country, thecentral government has attached an increasing importance to the social employmentand the talent-related work. Leaders of the CPC and the nation have, for many times,pointed out that employment is the key and far-reaching issue which the Party and thegovernment will treat as their primary task. The "Decision on Further Consolidationof Talent-related Work" promulgated by the Central Committee of the CommunistParty of China and the State Council on December 26 of 2003 makes a clearstatement that the Talent-based Nation Rejuvenation Strategy is an important andpressing task for the Party and the nation. Marine-related employees are the majorpart of the total nationwide. But no special investigation has been conducted in thisfield, which makes the fundamental condition still unknown for quite a long time.Therefore, the State Oceanic Administration initiated an investigation on the nation'smarine-related employment in accordance with the instructive spirit on employmentand talents issued by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and centeredby the nation's need for marine development. This investigation plays an importantrole in finding out the basic conditions and characteristics of marine-relatedemployment, quantizing marine-related employment's contribution to the nationaleconomy and the social development, further implementing the "Outline of the NationalPlanning for Development of Ocean Economy", enhancing the economic development ofcoastal areas, increasing employment and intensifying the social security. This papercomprises the following five aspects: overview on the investigation;technicalspecification for the investigation;analyses on the results of the nation'smarine-related employment investigation;analyses on the marine-related employmentinvestigation conducted in the main coastal areas;characteristics and problems of themarine-related employees and recommendations on their development.
Keywords/Search Tags:marine-related employment, employees, the Talent-based Nation Rejuvenation Strategy, the "Outline of the National Planning for Development of Ocean Economy"
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