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A Study In Online Group-Buying Conformity

Posted on:2012-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F GaoFull Text:PDF
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Coming with the era of information, rapid development of Internet makes the Internet communication to be paid more attention by the society. Being the most popular purchase way this year, online Group-buying well shows the application of Internet communication model and its powerful effects.Most Scholars's studies are focusing on the phenomenon, model, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, development trend and prospect in our country, but there's no empirical study on the online group-buying audiences'conformity.The paper selectes the audiences of the famous Beijing station in our country to be the empirical research object to study conformity. It is the first study in all studies about online group-buying, and has its research significance in current situation.Based on the domestic and foreign existing researches, the paper combines conformity theory, obtains empirical research data through the Internet online questionnaire, gets 384 valid questionnaires, analyses with the SPSS software and explores the major factors of online group-buying conformity.Major empirical results show:1,Audiences'basic attributes have significant differences to online group-buying conformity (1) Age hasn't significant influences to conformity. Audience's age is mainly distributed in the 20-40 years old, but not limited to teenagers, which is different from the former scholars conclusion that teenagers are easy to have the conformity pressure (Huertas,et al.,1986). This indicates that Internet communication broke the environmental restrictions and brought more informational influence than normative influence, so it will not cause stereotype pressure to teenagers. (2) Gender has significant influences to conformity. The conformity proportion of female is higher than male,39.2% female and 16.3% male are impulse buying, represents strong conformity tendency. (3) Online-group buying frequency has significant influences to conformity. Audiences with more buying frequency are more likely to be influenced to conformity.2. There are five major personal characteristics influencing online group-buying conformity, which are public self-consciousness, high self-monitoring, cognitive clarity, self-confidence and compliance. When the audience are more positive to public self-consciousness, high self-monitoring and compliance, or more negative to cognitive clarity and self-confidence, their online group-buying are more prone to conformity tendency.3. There are three major group characteristics influencing online group-buying conformity, which are attractiveness, credibility and interdependence. When the audience are more positive to attractiveness, credibility and interdependence, their online group-buying are more prone to conformity tendency.4,The overall conformity regression model proofs that conformity has significant influences to online group-buying, and it's the major factor of the online group-buying rush.Relevant suggestions are puts forward according to research conclusions, including helping the audience to pay more attention to their actual needs, reduce the attractivess conformity of audience, strengthen self-confidence on product knowledge of group-buying of the audience, reduce audience's single group dependence, place importance on audience's trust and interdependence, value mode guidance and innovation. Thus provides theoretical guidance and empirical basis to this communication phenomenon of onlie group-buying, and also helps scholars and researchers better understand audience's psychology, then offer guide to their conformity psychology and nurtures correct ideas, which has certain directive significance to both audience and group-buying station.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet communication, online group-buying conformity, personal characteristics, group characteristics
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