With the restructuring operators,3G license issuance, wireless broadband market has got the rapid development. As the difference of 3G technology standard used by the different operators, they have different streghthens, their strategic planning and marketing strategies are different. In such a competitive market, how to develop loyal customers and develop new customers, expand market share, is the tough task that all operators have to face.Topic of this research is based on empirical research that "Tianyi" wireless broadband's customer satisfaction and customer loyalty influencing factor. The study is on the basis of existing literature of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, built the structural equation modeling of five latent variables such as broadband market services, quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; Through the random survey by online and office, collected 279 valid samples, collected the variable data on wireless broadband products "Tianyi" of customer service and product quality; And through the use of SPSS 16.0 and AMOS 7.0 statistical software for analysis of the relevant, I worked on the all samples of descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, reliability and validity, and confirmatory factor analysis, then I tested the goodness of fit of structural equation model; thenâ… modify the model, finally determine the best research model for goodness of fit; Based on the data analysis, I put some marketing proposals forward.Through literature review and empirical data analysis, I reached the following conclusions: In the wireless broadband market, the factors that affect customer satisfaction are service quality, product quality and perceived value, positive effect on product quality which is most obvious; Factors affecting customer loyalty are customer satisfaction and perceived value; Service quality, product quality has a positive impact on the perceived value of the factors, which affect of the product quality is very significant; Customer satisfaction on customer loyalty has a very significant positive effect, the significance by perceived value to customer loyalty is a little bit weaker. |