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Investor Behavior And Empirical Analysis Based On The Behavioral Finance

Posted on:2012-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H PengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over the years, most economists research the investment behavior of consumers is mainly based on traditional economic theory——the assumption of rational economic man. However, the fact that most consumers are not fully rational, in the consumption process is often including various factors, such as psychological effects, so traditional analysis methods have a lot of limitations.This paper mainly based on behavior finance this subject to man is limited rational for assumptions, through to the investors' investment behavior in the stock market changes the empirical analysis research. By investors in the investment decision-making process will be affected by the overconfidence, SSC deviation, heuristic bias, regret aversion and loss aversion and other factors, and these effects on people's behavior, and decision-making plays an important role as the main research contents.As changing investment environment, we cannot just from the traditional economic theory to get accurate judgments and expectations, which requires from the person's behavior and the reasons that led to this behavior starting to find a better solution to the economic problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:limited rationality economic man, behavioral of finance, investment behavior
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