Split-share reform is the main character of china capital market in 2005. Split-share reform is a historical and important reform in capital market of China and the management system of State-owned companies. The main content of Split-share reform is the paid consideration, it means uncirculating shares will pay some consideration to circulating shares, in order to circulate.I will focus on the consideration of Split-share reform as my main opinion, and will explain the ways and methods of the consideration of Split-share reform. Also I will explore how the ways of the consideration of Split-share reform will influence the running and management of State-owned Company, and I still make some suggestions on the split-share reform of the different State-owned listing companies.It will be divided into three parts.The first part focuses on the background and historical process of Split-share reform. In this part I explain the theory and ways of consideration of Split-share reform.The second part focuses on the progress of the Split-share reform for the State-owned listing company and its consideration,and explore how the consideration of the Split-share reform will influence the running and management of State-owned listing company and it's dominative shareholder by giving some examples.The third part tries to find the main problems and the aim of split-share reform in this part, and explain that different State-owned listing companies should have different strategies of consideration.I hope my opinion will help the State-owned listing companies to find the method of Split-share reform, and also help to find the most suitable way and project. |