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The Research On Green Supply Chain Management Of Manufacturing Enterprises

Posted on:2007-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215961695Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Green supply chain management is a modern management mode among the traditional supply chains, which makes comprehensive consideration on environmental effects and resources utilization level. It is the crossing and blending of the effective utilization of environmental awareness, resources, energy sources and all the links of the supply chain, as well as an important means to realize green manufacturing and the sustainable development of enterprises. Its purpose is to utilize the resources of the whole supply chain to the max and make the minimum negative influence on the environment.This paper is, by the research on the green supply chain management of manufacturing enterprises, to make the enterprise consider the optimization of environmental integral benefits in the overall process of product design, material choosing, product manufacturing, product sales and reclamation on the basis of the traditional supply chains and by the green supply chain management, cooperation among up and down enterprises and the communications between all departments within the enterprises. Thus, the enterprises can control the environmental cost and realize the sustainable development of the enterprises and their integral supply chains.This paper firstly analyzes the background and implementation necessity to carry out the green supply chain management by the manufacturing enterprises, and then further explains the connotation of the green supply chain management and designs the green supply chain management on the basis of the predecessors' research. After that, this article establishes evaluation model of manufacturing enterprise green supply chain management with the method of fuzzy evaluation, and finally, by overall supply chain green evaluation to the exiting environmental control system and control procedures of the probational enterprises, enables the green evaluation model practical significance.The innovation points: (1) Proposing the theoretical system frame of green supply chain management based on the research of predecessors;(2) Another innovation point is to establish supply chain green evaluation model with the method of fuzzy evaluation based on the research of predecessors;(3) By overall supply chain green evaluation to the exiting environmental control system and control procedures of the probational enterprises, enable the green evaluation model practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Green supply chain management, Green manufacturing, Green production, Fuzzy evaluation
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