The times of sudden huge profits have gone in China vehicle industry. Thesmoke of gunpowder, in the price campaign still can be smelt after the end offlourishing mirage. The civil consumers are more and more sensible. Therefore, theautomobile brand monopolized store must rediscover calmly marketing strategiesto adapt new environment for continuous development of enterprise. According tothe results of the comment of customer satisfaction degree in vehicle industry in2004, we find that the service quality is still in weak, and the customer complaintratio was still on the high rate. Furthermore, among all the synthetic indexes, thecustomer commented worst on the loyalty degree. The academic research about therelationships among service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty,therefore, are in emergency in civil automobile brand monopolized store. So, wehave put forward a concept model on the basis of summarizing predecessors'achievements, and have made a questionnaire investigation into seven automobilebrand monopolized store in Guangdong province. We apply structural equationmodeling to analysis investigation data, and discuss the relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction, the four component of customerloyalty——cognitive loyalty, affective loyalty, conative loyalty, behavior loyaltyand so on.The results of data analysis find that service quality is one of importantpreconditions which significantly influence customer satisfaction, service qualitydirectly and significantly influence customer cognitive loyalty, affective loyaltyand conative loyalty; customer satisfaction directly and significantly influence thefour components of customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction has more strongimpact on customer attitude loyalty than on behavior loyalty; among the fourcomponents of customer loyalty, cognitive loyalty and conative loyalty directly andsignificantly influence behavior loyalty, conative loyalty has more impact onbehavior loyalty than cognitive loyalty has. As the result of the research, we put forward some advice as follows:1,It is utmost important to provide best service for the automobile brandmonopolized store in the purpose of permanent management and continuousdevelopment.2,Carrying out "CS" service is a long-term work for the automobile brandmonopolized store. It wins fewer profits in the short-run. Therefore, any methodfor quick success and instant benefit is wrong. It goes against the enterprise'spermanent development.3,The automobile brand monopolized store can not only care about customerbehavior loyalty, they should synthetically measure customer loyalty through someaspects such as cognitive loyalty, affective loyalty, conative loyalty and behavior loyalty.4,The automobile brand monopolized store must change former marketingstrategies, which are only focused on short-term profits. They should seek newmarketing strategies from acquiring genuine customer loyalty. |