With the coming of global competition and knowledge economic age, enterprise's sustainable growing and harmonious development are decided by enterprise's core capability and competitive advantages, yet the enterprise's core capability and competitive advantages are competition of talented personnel to a good extent. Human resource is becoming the basical springs of enterprise's core capability and competitive advantages, human resource management is bound to be great power of supporting enterprise's core capability and competitive advantages. Performance review and salary system are core of human resource management. How to design, maintain and better the performance review and salary system is key to fulfill enterprise's strategic target.Confronting the gteat changment of enterprise's management environment, ShanDong LaiWu Steel Group Corporation's performance review and salary system at present can not adapt the reqirment of enterprise's environment, which affect the workers'activity,creativity and potentiality to some degree.So,this article does some research and systemical analysis to ShanDong LaiWu Steel Group Corporation's performance review and salary system,finding the main problems are unreasonable index of departments' performance review, simplex standard to various staff, unproper reflection of the staff's performances, disconnection between the salary and capability and performance,unreasonable salary inward , lack of competition of managical and technical staff's salary outward, full balance and lack resilience of salary structure, little gap of salary and lack of inspiration to wonderful staff,etc. With the advantage performance tools and models such as 360 degree performance appraise, Key Performance Indicators , Balanced Score Card and the update theoretical achievement-3P theory, I do better design to the present ShanDong LaiWu Steel Group Corporation's performance review and salary system and build a set of performance review system based on strategy and salary system based on inspiration,which can motivate the activity of the staff in order to strengthen the cultivation and promotion of enterprise's inner capability, so as to build enterprise's core competitive advantage. |