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Research On Green Degree Evaluation And Green Purchasing Of Supply Chain Enterprises

Posted on:2009-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360248956545Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the global economy, mankind has created unprecedented material wealth. However, people attach importance to economic development, with the result of continued deterioration of the environment and other issues. Under the background of trying to make harmonious development of economy and environment, Green supply chain management (GSCM) emerges as the time requires, which is considered as a mode of sustainable development of the enterprises. Green purchasing is the major study content of supply chain management. The research on it is still in initial stage. The green evaluation of node enterprises of supply chain is still in the exploratory stage. Since China's entry to WTO, enterprises are facing more and more "green" barriers. It is urgent for them to implement "green" management. "How to evaluate the enterprises' environmental performance" and "How to implement green purchasing" are problems that need to be settled by Chinese enterprises, which want to participate in the competition. This is the content on which this dissertation researches.In this dissertation, firstly, we analyze the basic theory of green degree evaluation and green purchasing, green supply chain management, sustainable development and economic cycle, green degree evaluation and green purchasing.Secondly, we consolidate the previous research on the green supply chain management concept, content and structure of the system. On this basis, we discuss the importance of green degree evaluation and green purchasing for the green supply chain management, and try to integrate green evaluation and green purchasing decision-making to guide enterprises' green supply chain management. This is an innovation of this dissertation. According to the characteristics of green supply chain management and environmental management regulations and standards, it designs green evaluation index and unascertained measurement model used to evaluates the enterprise's green degree. And it gives strategy that can enhance their green degree.Thirdly, this dissertation makes research on green purchasing decision-making, in conjunction with analyzing the Case of enterprise's implementation of six green purchasing paths.Finally, this dissertation puts forward on that green degree evaluation and green purchasing will affect economic performance. Government plays a guiding and promoting role in the green evaluation and green purchasing.
Keywords/Search Tags:green supply chain management, green degree evaluation, index system, green purchasing, set-pair dynamic analysis
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