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The Research On Industrial Structure Optimization And Adjustment Of Luoyang

Posted on:2009-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360272977512Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The industrial structure is the core of the economic structure, the optimizating of the industrial structure, determine to a large extent the optimization of the economic structure,and an reasonable industrial structure has a direct impact on the improvement of efficiency of the national economy. Luoyang is a city with nearly 5,000-year history and cultural relics,also China's important industrial base in the central region. However, due to history and development reasons, the contradictions in irrational industrial structure is very conspicuous for the city of Luoyang. According to the external environment and the status of its economic condition,based on the benchmark of leading industrial choosen,giving the optimization of the existing industrial structure to the target development measure,in order to give the theory and empirical analysis of the economic development of Luoyang.The article is divided into five parts: the first part intruduces the basis of regional industrial structure theory, the industrial structure and the development of the theory of evolution, as well as the optimization of the industrial structure related issues; in the second part, an overviewing of the three industries of Luoyang is presented,and also points out the existed problem of the industrial structure of Luoyan;in the third part, the method of SWOT Analysis is used, analysising the industry situation of Luoyang; the fourth portion of the article uses empirical method to analyse the industrial structure of the existing problems,then gives the corresponding solutions;based on the empirical method,the fifth part analyzes the leading industries that should be payed attention to,explains the path,measure and suggestions to optimize the industrial structure of Luoyang.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional, Industrial Structure, Luoyang City, SWOT Analysis, Leading Industry
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