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Regional Public Goods Supply Situation And The Concept Of Effective Supply System

Posted on:2010-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360278473245Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the field of public administration, the main methods of governing public affairs are to supply a large number of public goods, manage various of external economic effects, and ultimately achieving the maximization of social and public interests. Therefore, public issues are the logical starting point of public administration. Under the background of market economy and the appearing of regionalism, discovering and definiting the various of public issues belonging to different levels are the precondition of public administration. In response to the challenge of "regional public issue", the problem how to supply "regional public goods" effectively comes out. In the process of formatting regional economic integration, kinds of plight of regional public goods supply become to be the constraints to regional economic development. In order to solve this problem, we need to find an effective mode.This article is divided into five chapters; Introduction shows how the main question origin, status quo of research, research ideas and methods. The second chapter basis on reorganizing and integrating the research results of the general public goods and regional public goods, giving the concept, characteristic and classification of regional public goods. The third chapter analysis in the reality dilemma of the public goods supply and tells the reasons from 5 sides- the law mechanism, organization, restrict and prompt mechanism, benefit accommodate, and the decision-making mechanism. The fourth chapter illustrates why the single provider can't supply all kinds of regional public goods at first , and then proposes the multi-center mode. It also tells us the advantages and disadvantages of different supply methods. We can know how the multi-center mode plays a role in the regional public goods supply. The last chapter have done the consideration of how to improve the regional public goods supply system.
Keywords/Search Tags:regional public administration, regional public goods supply, supply mode, multi-center
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