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The Research On Multi-channel Integration Driven By Customer Experience In The Digital Age

Posted on:2011-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305465620Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the digital age, companies' using multi-channel strategy has become a trend in marketing. Multi-channel strategy performs powerful function and has strong advantages. However, the use of multi-channel system will easily aggravate channel conflict and make the distribution channel management more difficult.With the digital age as the research background, the thesis shows the trend of multi-channel marketing. The dimensions of multi-channel customer experience were studied and a customer experience-driven multi-channel integration model was built. The model analysis the process of multi-channel integration, and introduces multi-channel customer experience management and multi-channel conflicts management.The thesis is divided into seven parts. The first part introduces the research background and significance as well as the research methods and research ideas. The second part is literature review. The review includes the distribution channels and customers in the digital age, the multi-channel strategy and channel integration. In the third part, the change of customer demand and the improvement of distribution channel function were described to analysis the trend of multi-channel marketing and intensification of the channels conflicts. In the fourth part, customer experience in the distribution channel activities is identified and the relationship between customer experience and multi-channel integration is clarified. Multi-channel integration model was built in the fifth part. The model analysis the process of multi-channel integration, and introduces multi-channel customer experience management and multi-channel conflicts management. In the part of six, a university press was introduced as a case to validate the research results. The last part points out the main conclusions of this paper, as well as the lack of innovation and future research methods and ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Digital Age, Multi-channel Strategy, Customer Experience, Multi-channel Integration
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