The continuous development of e-commerce has brought the innovation of business model, through the Internet, a non-store mode of operation can reduce transaction costs, make our products' price more competitive, also break the constraints of time and space, so that consumers'shopping can be more convenient. China's current scale of shopping customers is 87.88 million, accounting for 26% of the total number of Internet users. C2C model accounts for most of the size of online shopping, in 2008, for example, C2C model accounted for 93.2% of the size of online shopping, while the B2C model accounted for only 6.8%.Although China has 338 million Internet users, and the huge size of Internet users indeed has provided a broad space for online shopping' development, among the Internet users the proportion to take online shopping is only 26%, Many consumers surf on the Internet to search for information, rather than purchase on-line. If consumers do not buy anything on the online trading site, it means that merchant had potential sales loss. Online retailers spend a lot of money and effort to entice consumers to visit their stores, however, Web store' browsers left silently, this is undoubtedly a huge waste of marketing resources. If those Internet users interesting in online shopping and browsing shopping sites frequently can be transformed into a loyal group of users to shop online, and the existing online shoppers can be promoted to purchase repeatedly, no doubt this will have significant economic and social significance to promote e-commerce in China, it also promotes a large number of scholars to began the research on consumer online shopping behavior objectively.Many scholars started their research on consumer online shopping behavior based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) at home and abroad, However, Park(2004) based on the technology acceptance model to research consumers' online shopping behavior, getting the sample of the United States and South Korea respectively, the two sample data analysis come to different conclusions, TAM was supported by the United States'sample data, while South Korean's sample was drawn different conclusions. On this basis, they speculated that TAM Model predicted consumer behavior network in a mature e-business environment effectively. Considering China's e-commerce environment is not very mature, in order to avoid the possibility of such bias, this paper's research model on the intention of online shopping behavior is not based on Technology Acceptance Model, but based on the traditional extended Theory of Planned Behavior, including perceived online shopping usefulness and perceived online shopping ease of use from technology acceptance model at the same time. In the online retail research field, Torben (2004) found that the explanatory power of Theory of Planned Behavior to online shopping intention is more than 55%, behavior attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control have an impact on behavioral intention, especially the perceived behavioral control has a significant impact to behavioral intention, which is an important factor to determine the system uses. Koufaris' study(2002) based on the FLOW Experience to research consumers' online shopping behavior, finding that concentration and perceived online shopping enjoyment have a significant effect to online shopping attitude and behavioral intention, perceived online shopping enjoyment has a significant influence on the re-purchase intention.This article is based on the facts to analyze which factors will influence consumers' attitude and behavior intention in C2C online shopping sites, using widely proven Theory of Planned Behavior Model, with Technology Acceptance Model and the FLOW Theory, and to establish online shopping behavior intention model in C2C mode, the model is validated with data, and hoped that the research will be useful to the C2C site.This study adopts qualitative and quantitative methods together. This paper uses SPSS16.0 and AMOS17.0 to verify the model. First of all, it uses SPSS16.0 software to do the questionares' reliability and description of the basic data analysis from the collect data. Secondly, this paper uses AMOS 17.0 to conduct the confirmatory factor analysis, including convergent validity and discriminate validity analysis. Finally, it tests the fitness and explanation of the model, as well as does the path analysis and model hypothesis testing.By empirical research, the conclusions as follows: First, Attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control are positively related to behavioral intention in online shopping. Perceived behavioral control reflects the consumer's own knowledge and ability, without a corresponding online shopping knowledge or ability, their attitude and willingness toward online shopping will be even lower. This indicates that online shopping behavior of consumers online shopping intention was not only the attitude of the decision, but also for other factors, such as relatives, friends and colleagues around the choice and their own knowledge and capabilities. When consumers find the people around using C2C online shopping, such as shopping on Taobao, they will be more willing to conduct online shopping.Secondly, perceived online shopping usefulness is positively related to consumer's online shopping attitude and behavior intention. It can be seen that perceived online shopping ease of use affects usefulness of online shopping. These findings coincide with previous studies on TAM. C2C online shopping model has attracted a lot of users, especially the young. In the author's survey sample, the students whose age in the 21-26 years old are large sample, accounting for 70.4%, for them, the use of online shopping is relatively simple and easy. So perceived ease of use of online shopping does not affect the usefulness of online shopping. This is not a surprising conclusion, since Davis had found that when the consumers use information systems initially, the behavioral intention of use information systems decided by perceived usefulness and perceived ease use of online shopping in 1989,when they use online shopping again, it is only affected by the perceived usefulness of online shopping, perceived ease use of online shopping affects perceived behavioral intention indirectly through perceived usefulness, that is, when users become more familiar with information systems, the effect of perceived ease use of online shopping will become increasingly low, when it is very easy to use the complexity information, the perceived ease use of online shopping will not affect the use of information systems.Thirdly, the study found that perceived enjoyment affect attitude towards online shopping. Concentration affects shopping intention. When consumer come to a C2C online shopping site, not just to buy things, but also to find something fun and interesting, to perchase flow experience. Therefore, be as consumer's endogenous variable, perceived enjoyment is also an important consideration in considering the usefulness of online shopping. However, perceived enjoyment does not affect the behavioral intention of online shopping. Because attitude of online shopping play a regulatory role between perceived enjoyment and online shopping intention. Concentration affects online shopping intention directly, but has no effect on the attitude toward online shopping. If the consumer focus on the C2C website, it is very easy to achieve flow state, access to flow experience, which will in turn encourage them to be more willing to use online shopping. However, when consumers do this, they themselves may not realize that the attitude of online shopping will not be affected.Finally, this study supports model of consumer acceptance of online shopping based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Perceived online shopping usefulness, perceived online shopping ease of use, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived enjoyment, and concentration totally explain the 79.746% of online shopping attitude and intention variables. Perceived usefulness of online shopping items together can explain 21.2% of the total variable variance; concentration can explain 15.5% of the total variable variance; subjective norms gathered by the project can explain 14.4% of the total variables; perceived enjoyment can explain 10.9% of the total variables; perceived behavioral control can explain 9.6% of the total variables; perceive online shopping ease of use could explain 7.8% of the total variable.The innovation of papers focused on the following aspects:First, the paper is innovation and leading edge. It is unusual to use TPB to the study of online shopping, it is not common to use FLOW theory in C2C e-commerce research as well. Today,C2C online shopping is becoming more and more popular, but there are not many studies on the domestic in C2C online shopping, this paper increases new empirical data by studying C2C online shopping behavior intention model.Secondly, the innovation of research model. This study is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, combined with Technology Acceptance Model of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, FLOW experience as well, to explain consumers' shopping attitude and behavior in the C2C model, this study is integration of the model.Thirdly, integration of studies have shown that Theory of Planned Behavior can explain and predict consumers' behavior intention, it's still valid in C2C mode. Attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control has a significant influence on behavioral intention; consumers shop online is not only affected by exogenous variables (such as the perceived usefulness and ease of use online shopping), but also by endogenous variables (perceived entertainment, and focus), to shopping on C2C website not only looking forward for usefulness and ease of use, but also hoping to enjoy the shopping experience.Finally, the study confirms the correctness of previous studies in relevant theory, although there are not enough data to support some conclusions of the study, this article have tried to find theoretical support and get some new conclusions. Such as perceived ease of use to online shopping does not affect online shopping attitude in the study. In the past, it often just put forward a theoretical model in the study of flow experience in online shopping, but the theory assumptions and theoretical model were not positively studied. On the basis of previous studies, this study try to find the relationship of flow experience with online shopping attitude and intention, and reveals the factors that influence online purchase intention from another point. |