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Research On Establishment Of Rural Land Financial Organization System In China

Posted on:2011-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W JiangFull Text:PDF
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The issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers require lots of fund. Despite rural financial reform lasted for many years, Chinese farmers still face difficulties in loans. Rural financial system can provide a stable long-term source of funds for farmers by activating the capital function of rural land; it can also promote the scale of agriculture and realize industrialization management, so it is important for China to establish rural land financial system. Because of limitation of objective conditions and the special nature of Chinese rural in a long time, the theory and practice of rural land finance in China is still at an exploratory stage. Therefore, this article researches how to establish rural land financial organization system suitable for our national conditions based on Chinese practice and international comparison.First, this article describes basic theories of rural land finance and also describes the meaning and function of it. On this basis, this article selects and analysis several cases in Meitan County, Paifang Village, Xuzhuang Town, Sanming City, these cases reveal that the establishment of rural land financial organization system in China may face some problems such as lack of fund source, misunderstanding of management objectives, unreasonable value evaluation of rural land, lack of rural land securitization and other limitations in basic environment. By comparing and analyzing the experience of rural land finance in American, Germany, France and Taiwan area, this article summaries some inspiration of rural land financial organization system in organization structure, capital structure and government support. Then based on Chinese reality, this article formulates the basic principles for establishment of rural land organization system and proposes that China should establish a rural land financial organization system that treating Rural Credit Cooperative as core and including insurance and guarantee institutions. This article also designs how this system is going to construct and run.Finally, this article promotes some suggestions on establishment of rural land financial organization system in China, including further reforming Rural Credit Cooperative by improving Corporate Governance and expanding organization structure, regulating rural land transfer market, establishing value evaluation system of rural land, improving rural social security system and enhancing government support and supervision in order to create favorable conditions for establishment of rural land financial organization system and carrying out of rural land financial business.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural land finance, Rural Credit Cooperative, Transfer of rural land, Rural land securitization
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