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Optimization Study, Based On The Triz Theory And Close Values ​​of Enterprise Technology Innovation Program

Posted on:2011-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330332476715Subject:Technical and economic and management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Innovation is a means of technological innovation, but also the content of scientific and technological innovation. Advanced and innovative ways to enhance the national capacity for independent innovation is an important weapon. A result from the Ministry of Science and Technology indicates that there are many reasons for the success of Nobel Prize winners who are the vanguard of innovation research team. First, scientific discovery, and second, scientific instruments and the third are the scientific method. Innovation is the core of the scientific method approach. Almost a third of Nobel Prize winners relied on innovative ways to achieve scientific breakthroughs. Therefore, Innovative approach shows the extreme importance for the research. In this case, for enterprises to build an innovative approach to technology is very important.TRIZ is a methodology that can help us to breakthrough thinking and analyze problems from different angles. Fine rational thinking, to help people to systematically analyze the problem, explain the nature of the problem, determine the direction of further exploration and seize every opportunity to finally solve the problem completely. This thesis first describes the origin of TRIZ and world development and application status, and then systematically introduces TRIZ principles and TRIZ basic concepts. In the analysis shows that several of the more common TRIZ analytical tools-such as 40 innovative language, contradiction matrix, the material, then on the basis of this field analysis, This thesis introduces the system of TRIZ to solve the problem of the general process of innovation. Then based on this study, this paper has established a TRIZ innovative solution optimization model based on close value method. The model includes the applications of TRIZ innovative of technology; create innovative options and the application of the volume index evaluation Close Value sort of options. This paper is based on the information of Sub-topics of new management model for R & D institutions and technology innovation management research to Mining Research Institute of Yunnan Copper Group (Yuxi) Issues. The innovative application of optimization models constructed first, technical innovation and technological innovation projects. Then on the merits of alternative program was sort of innovation, and innovation programs with the overall evaluation of indicators. Finally, optimization of TRIZ innovative solutions that further research done, hope this can help companies improve the efficiency of technological innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:TRIZ theory, model of technology innovation, osculating interpolation
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