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Explore China's Urban Itinerant Traders Classified Governance Model

Posted on:2012-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330332493615Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are mobile dealers in our country since a long time ago. Until recent years the number of them added rapidly because of an economic judgments and urbanization in our country during which more and more people come to the city and start much problem in city governance. On one hand their mobile living style give convenience for people and also resolve their own living problem and ease the employment pressure, on the other hand, mobile dealers as well bring a negative pressure for the city,like city appearance and environments, transports, market orders and so on. As governors and the governed, city management and mobile dealers like a pair of "enemy", the conflicts between them are occurred all the time, making it become a big problem in public administration.Faced with a more complex social situation, our government can not deal with it once and for all in a satisfactory degree, as for the reason of it is that the government failed in adjusting the conflicts between the two parts in a traditional governance pattern. As a result, it need to build a multi-center governance pattern, in which making use of the advantages of social organization then reach a situation the government and society cooperation.First in my paper, give a definition on the core term and correlation theory, start with the analyze in the conflicts between city inspectors and mobile dealers, the difficulty in governance, take the city Zhuozhou of Hebei province for example, by using questionnaires and in-depth interviews, I have done some empirical analysis in the aspects of status, problems and reasons of the mobile dealers. Then give a summary in and abroad of china of the patterns in governance, hope to help us to resolve the problem in our country. Based on that, the author tries to build a classify governance pattern, describe enterprises, non-governmental organization, social community in order to reach a situation making government and society, public department and private department cooperate in mobile dealer governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:mobile dealers, the theory of governance, classify governance pattern
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