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Asset Impairment Accounting Research

Posted on:2006-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of market economy and technology, the speed of assets impairment becomes faster, and the factors influencing assets impairment are more complicated. Various countries and organizations are making or issuing relevant rules. Assets impairment accounting started in early 1990's in china, after 10 years, it is still in the process of developing. 22 July 2005, Chinese Treasury Department published (exposure draft), and this is a significant step in the development of assets impairment accounting in China. So at the key point, my thesis aims to compare IAS, SFAS and Chinese Company Accounting Standards, find out their difference and analyze the reasons behind them.After brief introduction of the concept of assets impairment, the essence and theory basis of assets impairment accounting, and the significance of assets impairment accounting, the thesis has five parts and makes international comparison about the assets impairment accounting.The first part reviews the history of assets impairment accounting both in western countries and China.The second part compares IAS, SFAS and Chinese standards in the impairment recognition and measurement area, mainly talks about various measurement standards and the introduce of the concept 'cash-generating unit'.The third part, reversal of an impairment loss, compares Chinese standards and IAS in two stages, and focus on their differences. I find that IAS, SFAS and Chinese standards are going to be consistent, but they still have different economic implications.The fourth part discusses particular regulations about goodwill.Finally, the fifth part sets out and compares the disclosure rules.
Keywords/Search Tags:assets impairment, measurement standards of assets impairment, assets group, reversal of impairment loss, goodwill
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