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Problems Inherent In The Study Of State-owned Enterprise Reform

Posted on:2006-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H MinFull Text:PDF
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The reform of State-Owned Enterprise, which was the most important part of Economic Institutions, has lasted for over 26 years since the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee.Undoubtedly, we have obtained series of achievements on management institutions and environments. Unfortunately, in my eyes, the reform of state-owned enterprises isn't successful. In the very beginning of the reform, it is normal for problems arising: State-Owned Assets Drain, Failure of the Corporate Governance, Expensive Supervision Cost etc. Essentially, we should cope with such problems with a calm mind.What could we do for the State-Owned Enterprises? The New Left think that lasting reform is concerning characteristics of the real Socialism. At the same time, the New Institutional Economists hold the opinion that people would only care about his own property and the only way for the state-owned enterprises is to change the Public Ownership System. All these ideas demonstrate that the reform we are carrying out is relating to the fairness but also efficiency, not only long-run benefits but also current stable situation. So, the reform of State-Owned Enterprise is a critical task for us. I decided to write an essay under the title Study on the Inner Problem of the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises without a hesitation.The first part of my essay contains fundamental theories about reform of the State-Owned Enterprises, such as Property Right Theory, Principal-Agent Theory etc. In the second part, I began with State Assets Drain phenomena and then, I found the direct reason: failure of the Corporate Governance. And the third part researches on the reason for failure of the Corporate Governance. I draw the conclusion that halfway reform on the Property Right leads to the failure of the Corporate Governance. In the fourth part, I analyzed reasons for the halfway reform on Property Right. In the end, I put forward some advices on the reform based on analyzing the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Reform of the State-Owned Enterprises, Property Right Theory, Separation of Enterprise from Administration, Merchandized Personality
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