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Special Industrial Development Mode

Posted on:2009-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360242989049Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper establishs the system of evaluating index based on present industrial selecting and related economic theories. Further, we confirms peculiar industries and apply main element analysis method to sort beijing's pecuh'ar industries and distinguish the important industries that need to be developed. We classify Beijing's industries into two sorts: ones are more pecuh'ar industries including information manufacturing, mechanism manufacturing ,transportation manufacturing, food manufacturing, print and record medium manufacturing. The other are less peculiar industries including beverage manufacturing and medicine manufacturing which are very likely to become more pecuh'ar industries.Based on above, we analyse and summarize developing pattern of corresponding industries home and abroad and present developing state of beijing's ones. Combined with advantages and weakness of Beijing we put forward the developing pattern of beijing's peculiar industries: information manufacturing—government interference and market regulating ; transportation manufacturing—complete opening and well-ordered mutual exchange with surrounding districts pattern; beverage manufacturing—intension developing pattern; medicine manufacturing—creating based on strypped-down, copying based on creating, copying combined with creating to exploitation on my own and cooperation between government, industries, universities and research institution.Mechanism manufacturing—Beijing's enterprises combined with outside Beijing's enterprises with Beijing government's guide; food manufacturing—mutual exchange between production, universities and research and stable providing chain pattern ; print and record medium manufacturing—taking use of foreign capital and mutual exchange with surrounding districts. We hope that the patterns will be helpful to developing beijing's peculiar industries.
Keywords/Search Tags:peculiar industries, Main element analysis method, pattern of developing
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