In the theoretical and empirical studies of customer loyalty-driven power , there are subjective factors, as well as inconsistencies selected industries, and other factors, led to the present study also concluded there were inconsistencies. Some scholars believe that customer satisfaction and switching costs impact on the customer loyalty,but many scholars believe that customer satisfaction and switching costs are unrelated with customer loyalty. Therefore, we need to have a empirical study of customer satisfaction and switching costs impact on the customer loyalty, then use of our research results to complement and expand our customer loyalty-driven model.This research is on the basis of home and abroad customer loyalty theory and research results , and the content will be on the focus of three aspects: the switching costs dimensions, as well as their mutual relations with the customer loyalty; in the different customer satisfaction, the various types of switching costs is how to influence customer loyalty; on the comparison of customer satisfaction and switching costs which impact on customer loyalty. On the basis of the aforementioned purpose of this study, we make the English language training students as study subjects,at the same time put forward a concept model on the basis of predecessors' achievements, and have made a questionnaire investigation into four English training centers in Nanjing. We apply correlation analysis and regression to analysis investigation data, and discuss the effects of customer satisfaction and switching costs on loyalty.The results indicates that procedural switching costs and relational switching costs positive effect attitude loyalty and action loyalty, and the personal relationship loss costs belongs to the relational switching costs has the most notable positive effect on loyalty, but financial switching costs has the negative effects on attitude loyalty and action loyalty. Customer satisfaction positive effect attitude loyalty and action loyalty, then, In the different state of satisfaction, various switching costs on customer loyalty have different effects.Finally, we use the results of the study to give English training schools some recommendations: First, enhancing the quality of brand building and enhance students the interests conversion loss cost to improve the attitude loyalty; Second, maintain long-term good relations between the students and the schools,and lower the economic risks to improve the action loyalty; Third, through the good use of customer switching costs to attract new students; Forth, through effectively measuring the customer satisfaction to drive customer loyalty. |