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Study Of Open Source Software, Intellectual Property Protection

Posted on:2009-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of information technology, more and more dependence on computer are desired. As platform between human and computer, software is playing a more and more important position in IT Industry. Accompanied by the development of Software Industry, IP protection for software has experienced great changes. There had no protection to software in the past. But now, software has protected powerfully. However, with excessive protection for commercial software by the system of IP, not only the original aim which encouraging innovation and development of the Software Industry has been distorted, but also undermined the realization of IP to promote the application of knowledge as well as the optimum allocation of information resources. On this background, the Open Source Software made the concepts about open, free and sharing. At the same time it has been developing and becoming more and more powerful during the conflict of monopoly and free competition. This article start from the basic briefing of Open Source Software, including copyright, patents, trademarks and other Open Source Software IP protection mode. Through analyzing the conflict and integration relationship between Open Source Software and the current IP system, we would not only obtain the rule and idea of the Open Source Movement, but also improving China's IP system and the development of a more extensive line of thought.
Keywords/Search Tags:open source software, intellectual property, copyright, trademark, patent
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