Not only artistic characteristics of Jia Youfu's artworks are introduced and analyzed in respect of art.but also the effects of philosophy on Jia Youfu's artworks are explored and researched in this paper. Artistic characteristics of Jia Youfu's Sansui paintings reflect elements from multi subjects such as philosophy, design art and anesthetics, transcend the description of concrete landscapes and reach up to the spiritual figure. His unique artistic features get recognition of peers and pass through the test of time. Jia Youfu conduct detailed observation and research on stones from Taihang mountain and this is very important in the development of artistic development. He not only make contributions to contemporary art, but also set a good example in respect of artistic ideal and aspiration for our times, and this is of great social and educational value. Jia Youfu's Sansui paintings embody the modernity of paintings and feeling of free will.His paintings'unique and strong vision effect, composition and design thinking and the inner relationship between philosophy and art creation are worth of our reading.People are prone to get the wrong impression that the research of color covers that of black and white in art theory research. The research of black and white art of Jia Youfu's Sansui painting is different from that in color brightness research, because it is not enough to make exploration in respect of chromatics. His black & white artworks make people feel no color can do show so much richness as black & white since the contrast of black and white is stronger than other colors. Jia Youfu show us the full status from the balance of the two opposite power using his unique color language.Jia Youfu proecess colors and styles in his art creation so that they featues coordinate and contrast each other, which stipulates the vision and leads the line of sight to extend towards direction of movement. At the same time, the unique color and style will also make changes with it, such as the sense of direction, movement and order. Jia Youfu is one of the most prominent Sansui artists in modern China and his creation of new Sansui style, which is another breakthrough after Li Keran, is called "Jia's style" by peers. Jia Youfu features on the combination of Confucianist, Taoists and Buddhism based on Li Keran's Sansui theory. |