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Simon Effect And The Snarc Effect And Its Reversal Phenomenon. Task-switching Paradigm,

Posted on:2012-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335471731Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human's cognition is the processing of response to stimulus, Simon effect is a typical stimulus-response compatibility phenomenon. Likewise, SNARC effect also reveals the regularity in the human cognition-processing. Researches on these two effects and their reversal phenomenon will contribute to understand the relationship between the stimulus and response, and then know the feature of human information processing. This research adopted task-switching paradigm, one experiment included of inducer task and diagnostic-task, randomly intermixed, and then evaluated the influence of the logical recoding rule formed on the basis of inducer-task instruction on the spatial correspondence effect observed in the diagnostic-task. For the stimulus, in the research of the Simon effect, we used the geometrical shape (circle or square).Arabic numerals were used in the SNARC effect. Three experiments were designed to study these two effects and their reversal effects, discussed the impact conditions display- control correspondence, practice, feature overlap and spatial correspondence effect in the diagnostic-task on the reversal effect.Three experiments were conducted in this research:First, experiment 1 used task switching paradigm, participants were asked to judge the color of colored graphic (red or green) in inducer-task, and judge the shape of white graphic in diagnostic-task (circle or square), these two tasks randomly mixed, in order to evaluate the influence of the logical recoding rule formed on the basis of inducer-task instruction on the spatial correspondence effect observed in the diagnostic-task.Second, experiment 2 transferred the task switching paradigm to the SNARC effect. Similarly, when the numbers were colored, participants made the judgment of the color (red or green) in the inducer task,while judged the parity in diagnostic-task in which the numbers were white. Because the spatial information in the SNARC effect was implicit, so the aim of this experiment was to make sure whether the logical recoding rules induced by nonspatial mapping position can transfer to the implicit spatial dimension, and affect the size of the effect.Third, experiment 3 included two experiments, experiment3a and experiment3b. In experiment3a, the stimulus in the inducer-task was in the center of the screen, but the stimulus in the diagnostic-task was colored. When the stimulus appeared in the central, judging the color by press the button whose color was opposite to the stimulus.If the stimulus was in the left or right, judging the shape. The goal was to make the transfer of the inducer-task instruction more likely by adding the color dimension to diagnostic-task stimuli. In the experiment 3b, it needed to judge the color of the whole screen, not the color of geometrical graph. The purpose was to evaluate the role of feature overlap in the inducer task and diagnostic-task.Base on these results of three experiments and relative discussions, it can conclude that:First, the spatial correspondence effect (of either the Simon or SNRC) obtained in diagnostic-task can be modulated simply by manipulating the instructions of inducer task and mixing the trials of the two tasks. The assignment of an incompatible mapping in the inducer task determined either the disappearance or reversal of the effect of the stimulus irrelevant spatial dimension in both the inducer and diagnostic.Second, the influence of stimulus-response mapping on these two effects can't attribute to display-control correspondence or not, relevant stimuli stimulus-response mapping compatibility can influence the effect of irrelevant spatial information.Third, intense practice was not necessary for the transfer of the logical rules between stimulus and response. Even if when the spatial dimension of these tasks were incompatible, the incompatible mapping can also influence the two tasks spatial correspondence effect.Fourth, when the relevant stimulus information and the irrelevant stimulate information in diagnostic-task shared representation, the mapping of relative stimulus information affect the effect of irrelevant information, both explicit spatial information and implicit space information activates the characterization of the same type.Fifth, when asked to execute the opposite response, spatial correspondence effect in diagnostic-task or any S-R compatibility will weaken, eliminate or reverse.
Keywords/Search Tags:S-R compatibility, Simon effect, SNARC effect, task switching paradigm, reversal phenomenon
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