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Modern Characteristics Of The Late Qing Fiction

Posted on:2004-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360092998640Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis intends to explain the modernity character of the late Qing Dynasty's fiction, from ex-text and in-text two aspects. Ex-text is the exterior condition of the fiction's development. The concept of the late Qing Dynasty's fiction and literature's productive system in the conflicts between ancient and modern, and between Chinese and foreign cultures, show preliminarily the modernity character, which further effect the innovation of fiction's format even content. According to above, the author considers them as the exterior condition of the modernity character of the late Qing Dynasty's fiction. The thesis also analyses its modernity character. In-text here refers to the fiction's content and format's development and revolution. The thesis, studying from the novel narration's contemporary, narrating pattern's evolvement and taste tendency of the novel, analyses the modernity character of the late Qing Dynasty's colloquialism novel from the aspects of subject, narrating, structure and taste. Although colloquialism short story during this time is different from the May 4th modern short story, there exist some obvious connections. It is the breakthrough of the late Qing Dynasty's fiction modernity conversion. The thesis analyses its modernity character at last.
Keywords/Search Tags:modernity, the late Qing Dynasty's fiction, Modern Chinese fiction ex-text in-text
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