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Business Family Of The Institution Of Marriage

Posted on:2008-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q F WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215460940Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Guided by zhe historical value of Marxism and based by zhe documents, archaeological materials, sociological materials, ethnological materials and oracle inscriptions,this thesis probes comparatively comprehensively into zhe system of matrimony of the Shang people on the base of the research achievements of the predecessors.It' s divided into four partsIn the first part,I data back to the research results on the system of matrimony of the Shang people, and put forward to my view by comparing with every school' s standpoint.In the second part,I probe into that the Shang people' s system of matrimony during the period King Qi to King Hai was already monogamy, alrough it' s substance is the style that a man could marry several wives and there was no primary wife from the originality of Shang people, life style and pedigree.In the third part, from zhe Shang people' s ancestral temple name and pedigree, economic base, the system of succession and patriarchal system we prove that the Kings since Shangjiawei died(include Shangjiawei)began have the legal partner and the primary wiwes started to appear, the Shang people began to practice zhe ture meaning' s monogamy.In the last part, the main points are summed up.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shang People, zhe system of matrimony, monogamy
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