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Chinese Landscape Painting Blank Art Research

Posted on:2008-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215999954Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an expressive finesses of arts, the blank art is used in many arts widely. The blank art of Chinese painting has more meaning and integrates the materiality with the imagination in the whole effect of Chinese landscape painting, and it makes the painting become more implication of artistic conception. This research on the blank art will redound to create and appreciate Chinese landscape painting, so this paper will study the blank art of Chinese landscape painting from three parts: the philosophical substratum in the formation of the blank art, the aesthetic tendency of the blank art and the exhibition's form of the blank art.In partâ… , it discusses the philosophical substratum in the formation of the blank art which is embodied specially of Chinese tradition philosophy. In the philosophical substratum of blank art, the antinomy and unity of positivism and negativism constitutes the philosophy of composition, the interrelation of positivism and negativism constitutes the philosophy of artistic conception, and the interdependency of spirit and matter constitutes the philosophy of aesthetics. In partâ…¡, it constructs the aesthetic tendency of the blank art. This section expatiates the aesthetic tendency: the open characteristic of the aesthetic meaning,the charm of materializing and the implicit characteristic of sensibility. In partâ…¢, it analyses the expression's form that includes the main form of the blank art and its principle of position.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese landscape painting, blank art, the philosophical substratum, the aesthetic tendency, the exhibition's form
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