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On The Regulation Of The International Law Of Piracy

Posted on:2012-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ever since 2003, it has been a whirl of chaos in the oceans all over the world. Especially within, the so-called "Horn of Africa", Somali water; pirates have been impudently attacking all the passing by ships. Though many countries have sent warship to escort their own ships, and the UN has also legalized more than 1815 resolutions to fight against, the number of attacking cases by the pirates still increases every year.Therefore I those this topic to use Somali pirates as a typical example to study the lack of regulation in the international law towards modern pirates, the loophole in the current international law against pirates hence my opinion in building a new system against pirates.This essay had been divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction, introducing the background of the study of this essay, the importance of this study, its method and the ideas; the second part summaries the current international law against pirates, mainly include the problems the modern pirates brought, the definition of piracy behaviors in modern international law. The third part discusses the deficiencies of international law, Authors believe that the current system should be improved. The final part summarized my opinion toward regulations against piracy in modern international law. There are many half-baked ideas, I hope can research it in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:International law, UNCLOS, International cooperation, International crime of pirates, Universal jurisdiction over
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