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Studies On The Mode Of Same-sex Marriage Legislation

Posted on:2012-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Homosexuality"which is not often mentioned in our daily life, carries medical, social and legal significance of many aspects. Before the word"Homosexuality"has been created by Doctor in Germany in 1869, homosexual phenomenon exists in human society in various periods. Homosexuality means that somebody there is no response to the opposite sex but to the same sex. In Different historical periods and different countries, the social attitudes towards homosexuals and homosexual behavior can be described quite different, from guilt to innocence, mental illness to normal. The 21st century is the time for homosexuals to obtain the legal status and same-sex marriage. So far, there are ten countries and ten regions in the world opening marriage to same-sex partners. Besides, there are other three legislative models for the protection of same-sex partners: the Civil Partnership model, the Parte Civil de Solidarit model and the de Facto Relationship model. In this paper, I will analyze and compare the four legislative models. According to our national conditions, I will analyze the necessity and feasibility of same-sex marriage in China. At the end, I will propose the appropriate legislative model for the protection of same-sex partners in China, such as Registered Partnership model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Homosexuality, Same-sex Marriage, Legislative Model
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