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On The Prevention Of Criminal Error Recognition

Posted on:2016-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HeFull Text:PDF
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As an important lawsuit activity, the criminal identification plays a significant role in discovering and investigating the facts of cases.Internationally, it has been confirmed in legislation or applied into judicial practices by many countries. However, a large number of criminal judicial practices have proved that due to the fixed characteristics of identification itself, the unscientific application of identification can bring higher risk to criminal proceedings and the false identifications can probably result in misjudged cases. Accordingly, each country is now making their efforts to develop its positive values and to reduce, even to avoid its negative influences by engaging in researching into theories and in perfecting legislation of criminal identification. The descriptions of identification about its preparation and administration in Criminal Justice Rule of Peoples Procuratorate( CJRPP) and Rule of Dealing with Criminal Case of Public Security Organ. each country is now making their efforts to develop its positive values and to reduce, even to avoid its negative influences by engaging in researching into theories and in perfecting legislation of criminal identification. The descriptions of identification about its preparation and administration in Criminal Justice Rule of People Procuratorate( CJRPP) and Rule of Dealing with Criminal Case of Public Security Organ( RDCCPSO)The Criminal Procedure Code of PRC( CPC) which was amended in 2012 prescribes the identification record as a kind of evidence for the first time,but the descriptions of identification about its preparation and administration in Criminal Justice are too simple and conflicting.
Keywords/Search Tags:identification error, misjudged criminal cases, identification rules
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