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A Theoretical Study Of Bukharin 's Socialist Political Construction

Posted on:2016-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330464961893Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bukharin is one of the outstanding events early Bolshevik theorist. Bukharin put forward a series of ideas in building socialist political aspects, such as the importance of thinking of the worker-peasant alliance, he raised the need to correctly handle the relationship between the various social classes of idea, advocated that all countries involved in the management of the masses, as well as within the ruling class ideology prevention centralized bureaucracy, these thoughts and ideas for under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, building a moderately prosperous society has a certain significance and reference value. This article is part of the ideological and political construction of socialism Bukharin systematic collation and assessment, first of all, the opening of the article describes the significance of theory and practice, research status and research methods. Then, the article explains the construction of socialist political ideology Bukharin on theoretical and practical basis for the formation, on the theory that Engels’s theory of scientific socialism and political theory, and political construction of socialism and the ruling party of Lenin’s ideas, Stalin’s highly centralized political thought and Kautsky and Bukharin, Trotsky’s confrontation of ideas; the reality is based on the new problems facing post-Soviet regime to establish itself, the nature and the unique situation of the Soviet revolution and the overall direction of the development of the Soviet Union and general principles and policies, and the Soviet Union on the "maturity" at issue. Next, the article claims about Bukharin major political construction of socialism were discussed in detail, including the dictatorship of the proletariat should be an inclusive society overall consistency of expression "class collaboration"; Bolshevik was "domestic peace party" and the Soviet regime Three aspects of the content of the regime’s mass organizations. After the above discussion, the article summarizes the historical status of Bukharin construction of socialist political ideology, ideological and political construction of socialism Bukharin has some theoretical value in terms of its inheritance and development of Lenin’s ideas, but Bukharin its advocates question the Chinese revolution also has some limitations. The article points out the ending portion of the Apocalypse Bukharin building socialist political ideology is to gradually expand the people’s democracy, the real people are the masters; coordination of the various social classes, class relations, consolidate the ruling foundation; correctly handle between the party and the state power relations, scientific and democratic governance by law; to strengthen the quality of cadres team building, maintaining the Party’s advanced nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:credit rating, credit rating agency, legal supervision
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