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A Study On The Integration Of Chinese Immigrants Into The UK Under Multiculturalism

Posted on:2017-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330503476177Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of globalization and increasing of international exchanges, immigration has become a common phenomenon. Especially after the Second World War, with the rapid communication and transport development, migration has been a high-speed and strong liquid moving.After the reform and opening up, the scale of the relocation of Chinese immigrants is growing and the number of immigration to the United States and Europe is increasing; Accordingly, the United Kingdom as a traditional countries of immigration, accepted Chinese immigrants in the large scale. Historically, Chinese immigrants had moved to British traditionally. Especially since the UK’s "multiculturalism" idea of immigration policy implemented, the scale of Chinese immigrants is much larger, and the whole of British society has shown the features of diversity. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze Chinese immigrants’ condition in British society.Firstly, in theory, with the method of historical analysis, multiculturalism will be analyzed and interpreted, then I will deduce its application in Europe. And the above will be followed by a historical perspective on the development of British immigration policy’s summarizing, then the British " multiculturalism " policy will be introduced and analyzed in practice; in the second chapter, in accordance with the latest data, I will analyze the living conditions of the Chinese in the British in dynamic and static perspective,which will be used later; the third chapter focuses on the policy of multiculturalism in Britain, which influences on the social integration of the Chinese, and the whole Chinese integration comes into the imperfect situation; in the fourth chapter, by the above analysis, I reviewed the the relationship between multiculturalism and Chinese, analyzed the defect components of the policy, its impact on Chinese immigrants. Finally, I had some proposals on British government, society and the Chinese interaction, then concluded that interaction of which is the necessary way.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Migrant Policy of the Great Britain, Chinese immigrants, Multiculturalism, Integration, Interaction
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