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Study On Residents' Participation In Urban Community Governance

Posted on:2017-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330503973381Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There is a negligible effect about city residents participate in community governance,such as promoting the construction of grassroots democracy, strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and promote all-round social progress and development. The main urban community governance are multiple subjects including government, community organizations, non-profit organizations,including community residents, the object is within the community of public affairs,based on democratic consultation mechanism established between the various stakeholders. Community residents to participate in community decision-making means, directly or indirectly through various ways and means of community involvement in public affairs, management and supervision process, assume responsibility for the community, sharing community achievements. At this stage, on community governance issues related theories residents to participate more and more and became popular in public management issues. With the further process of democratization, the residents to participate in community and various governance issues more and more attention, the effect of community governance depends largely on the degree of participation of the residents. At present, the degree of participation of the residents of a certain community governance to deepen, it is still the current process of community building the biggest issues that require further discussion and study.About the study of community residents to participate in governance issues, this paper mainly divide the following aspects. First, the basic concepts of community,community management, resident participation define, governance theory, the theory of civic engagement and social capital theory to sort out; second, through interviews,questionnaire method Changzhi City, Shanxi and economic community the specific circumstances involved in the investigation, combined Changzhi City and Heji residents’ willingness to participate, participation and community treatment effect analysis of survey results found that residents participate in community governance problems such as: residents to participate in consciousness, residents to participate in the main structure unreasonable, the lack of residents to participate in the breadth anddepth, poor residents to participate channels. Third, analyze the reasons on the above issues, including the shackles of traditional culture and thought, the residents involved in the lack of sense of community residents to participate in benefit mechanism is missing, residents to participate in the lack of institutional support,community management system flawed. Forth, learn from foreign experience outstanding community involvement, improving residents’ sense of participation and capacity, improve resident participation mechanisms and improve the relevant legal system residents to participate in the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions in three aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Community, Governance, Residents’ Participation
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