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On The Western Scholars The Diplomatic Negotiations Of The New China

Posted on:2001-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002450450Subject:International relations
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The aim of ths thesis Is,by piecing together domestic discussions and comparing them with conclusions of Western studies,trying to present a relatively compkte plctttte on CNna's dlpbmatlc negotiations.By andyiing山e resear劝 results ofMstem scholars on diplomatic negotiations,he thesis甜e呷is to understand following questions: l.What are theoretical mo*Is,researchm毗ds,and sw process used by Western scholars In studying diplomatic negotiations?What are their conclusions? 2.What re the viewpoints of Chinese leaders and scholars on dghomatlc negotiations? 3.枷wto see伽 researchreMs of低眈m swlars? The hesis st's ith the litCr叨皿 review of低stem s灿ies on diplomatic negotiations.Welr sMles are mMe Rom血ee perspect呐s:mnese trMltlond cul血e,CotnmunlstPw's ideologies andnegotlatingtaCtlcs.The secondchaPter zooms In onV厄stem studies ofChmese diplomatic negot拍吐ons.Inthe ibid chaPteL through仕出 comparantive'勿 bCUVCUVeenfin以ngs ofV厄to researoandthatof domestic studies,he auhr points out some problems In research methods adopted and conclusions reached by Western scholars in s恤勿ing Chinese diplomatic negonMlons.At山e end of血e山eds,山e刚血or mMes inus own suxnmny ofChnese negotiation models' charactenstlcs. Asurvey ofwestern'dies onChina's diplomatic negoti删ons iMicates that 肋*e 伽stem 肌h血9 SNdl叨M Mu阳 比buy血s 饲 'ti略of C讪既e nepotlators 肋mthe angle ofChinese c伽e andandphilosophical ideas.hey concl帅ed that Chinese negotlators believed In" 'st and Wstwot.--.-t.--.-ness", PersonallzedrelmondlP and"uanxi" or"耻e". Also,some other Western s加lars m的e their s购 from he ideological angle. wough co呷aring CNnese negotiwng Wle withthat ofoMr Socialist co'ries he刎ed by USSR,he former U.S.d叩lomat KeKenneth T Wung summarized a"P出lugZModel". Almost every book In this ield Includes adlscusslon on Cmna's negotiatingt'ilos,which s[Illllllarlzes cmnese'ilos as semng oe gu讪ng principles,M1汹ngthe personallzedrelatlonsnips andcolltrollingthe proceedings of*thedings negotiation. The comparative study ofCmnese andwestem researches on China's diplomaticnegotiations shows that there are血ee problems In伽stem research findings: 1.The charactenstlcs summarized byMstem scholars are notofdlstlnctlve Chinese fe对皿"b成the general ideas that can be aPplied to diplomatic negotiations ofall countnes. 2.SOffiC COllClllslofiS fCSChCd ill WestCffi StudlCS sfC lfl faCt thC fCSult Of nusunderstandings orthe ttttempts to lasho成 agsinstChlna. 3.Some studies even reach selfcolhalctory conclusions. here are also problems In research methods劝opted In忧stem stlldles. 1.As few Western scholars are fmiliar ith Chinese history from 840 to 949, they cannot unders'd the great store scion national dlgmty by Chinese negotlators. 2.Westem scholars fall to have a systematic understanding ofC山nese Co伽unlstP晌's diplomatic strateglesbefore studyingthe co'皿st diplomatic negotiations of China, 3.Westem scholars slmplycntlclze Cmna's diplomatic negotlators Whenever [ey see anything[at Is not compllan it5Westem values orwestem pf8CtlCCS. 4.he conclusions reached m他stem stlldles re only based on伽 negotiation cases b印爬m CNna and做stem com们田.No negotiation between China W non-Mstem com巾田 has ever been s灿led. China's diplomatic negotiation Is thejewel on肋 crown ofCmnese diplomacy.W且htheprogress ofthetlmes,Cmna's diplomatic negotiation Is sureto删汀actCdmore attention in both academic and dipf...
Keywords/Search Tags:Negotiations
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