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Smes Technology Innovation And Marketing Strategy

Posted on:2001-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002451142Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Medium and small-sized (M&S) enterprises are considered to be the most dynamic parts in social and economic activities. They are getting more attention in respect of economic growth and technological innovation. They not only bring about many job opportunities, but also play important roles on the development of technological innovation and market economy. It is concluded that there are many special characteristics and advantages in technological innovations of M&S enterprises though reviewing the technological innovation theoiy. Base on above, this paper generalizes some disadvantages which M&S firms have to face during the course of technological innovation and studies the strategies of technological innovation, meanwhile it raise some relevant advice for policy making. To gain the market is the key to make the technological innovation succeed. Therefore, market strategy is very important. M&S enterprises should carry out rational and effective market strategy, make good use of their strengths and create superiority in order to hold an invincible position in intensive competition. With knowledge economy coming and globalization trend in economic, scientific and technology arising in the world, M&S enterprises will meet a new upsurge of development and innovation. They also have to face up the intensifying competition at same time. Therefore, technological innovation and market strategy are weapons to compete with others for M&S enterprises in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:medium and small-sized enterprises, technological innovation, market strategy.
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